Conus vidua cuyoensis – Giant!

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Product Code: CN100155

Species: Conus vidua cuyoensis

Author:  Lorenz & Barbier, 2012

Locality: Cuyo Island, Philippines

Size: 72.9mm



10 – 25 meter’s deep. For the connoisseurs of the cone collection. Most conus enthusiast would already recognize that the marmoreus, bandanus and vidua are separate species with similar looking patterns at a glance. However, the Conus vidua is the smallest among the 3, averaging 50~60mm and the subspecies from Cuyo Island (cuyoensis) is even smaller averaging 40~50mm. Therefore, this specimen is a giant among the small. A specimen for the cone collector. Good thickened lip of old cones. Erosions on the spire ofcause for old specimens. Really nice for such a gerontic specimen. Experienced cone collection will immediately recognize it as an aged grandfather cone!