The “Angular Triton” is a handsome ranellid instantly recognisable by its strongly raised shoulder. It is native to the Caribbean Sea and adjacent waters, ranging from southern Florida, USA to Brazil.
A carnivorous and predatory gastropod primarily feeding on echinoderms, it typically inhabits shallow water from extreme low-tide down to about -50m and is locally common. Typical shell length around 120mm, very large specimens may exceed 170mm.
Its range partly overlaps with the closely related Cymatium raderi D’Attilio & Myers, 1984 and is often confused with it. The two are in fact easily separable, however, as C. raderi is much larger on average (commonly exceeds 200mm which C. femorale never reaches) and the varices of C. raderi are much more smooth and less angulate, lacking in strong protuberances seen on the varices of C. femorale. – From Chong Chen’s post
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