Diagnosis. Key diagnostic feature is the uniformly red-orange toned columella and outerlip in combination with a slender shell with rounded shoulder. This ovate species has both auniformly red-orange toned columella and outer lip. The shell is solid and smooth. The body whorl has axially aligned knobs on the shoulder. The columella is always smooth and, inside the labrum, it is red-orange with mostly darkcoloured lirae entering deep inside the aperture; the last 4-5 mm towards the rim lose the brown colour. The outside colour is variable, with brown, green, cream, tan, yellow, orange, etc.,and is mostly mottled. The anterior canal is almost always tipped with black within and on the outside. The whorls are rounded, with a weakly angled shoulder. The spire whorls have up to 17 axial shoulder knobs, which may be weak or obsolete. The base of the shell has 8 –10 incised lines giving rise to flat cords. The aperture is elongated with a small but sharp posterior canal just ending under the shoulder.
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