The holy grail of the landsnail collection, the Amphidromus bulowi!
Virtually never offered because it is so rare. It is found only in Mouth Singalah, where unfortunately the foothills have become villages and agricultural land. Only found at the summit nowadays, where even the locals find it difficult to find.
A true landsnail enthusiast’s dream shell. No other Amphidromus matches the shape and pattern of the bulowi which is unique. The base of the body whorl is flattened like a ridge and the pattern is such as a fish scale, but for me looks more like hills on the body whorl.
Beautiful, prestigious, extremely rare. Will never be common and most likely be extinct which was initially thought until rediscovery of a small colony by the great explorer and the who’s who for Indonesia’s landsnail and good friend, John Abbas. Fully dextral although sinistral specimen (extremely rare) have been found.
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