Welcome to our July bivalve list.
I personally worked very hard on this list. Many species that we never sold before, therefore had to update the encyclopedia and write-ups. Also bivalves are not my best genera. I had to look up and check on the species, the details and so on and so forth.
We have some very interesting bivalves; A gigantic Cucullaea labiata at 121mm, biggest we checked on the internet. A large Nodipecten subnodosus at 158.3mm, a giant but just for display Pinctada margaritifera at 230mm and a giant Spondylus visayensis, biggest we ever had at 142.8mm.
Other notable species we obtained are Acanthocardia aculeata with superb spines, some very colourful Pecten maximus, a superb Spondylus regius with raised spines, a couple of beautiful Chama lazarus and many more interesting species!
Enjoy this list!
Showing 1–48 of 77 results