“This elegant species is covered with a thin epidermis, of a pale straw colour, under which the shell is milky white. It bears some analogy to H. tayloriana (Adams and Reeve, Zool. Of the Samarang, Mollusca, pl. 15. Fig. 2 a,b), but the projection at the extremity of the aperture is much more acute, and the shell is of a more gelatinous texture: it differs also in being sinistral.” (Metcalfe, 1851)

“A few specimens, the largest of which measures only 24 mill, instead of 35, as is mentioned by the author; having also a whorl less, it may be a young one, though the projection of the aperture is already faintly marked. The specimens are too little in number, to describe a new variety upon, which will probably prove to be desirable when more material is at hand.” (Schepman, 1896)

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